Site Disclaimer
Though Gritz n Glitz has made every effort to research and ensure the content within the Gritz n Glitz website is correct, please understand that the content is for informational purposes only, and is not intended as medical advice. Neither I, nor Gritz n Glitz, claim to be medical professionals. Statements or claims within this site about the possible benefits of any one ingredient, or mixture of ingredients, or lifestyle changes are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any sickness or disease. This site's information has not been evaluated by a medical professional or the Food & Drug Administration, so if you have questions regarding your own health, please consult with a qualified health care professional before acting on any information presented here.
Product Disclaimer
Keep out of reach from children. As with all products containing oil, please take care when stepping in/out of the tub/shower as the surface will likely be slippery. All products are for external use only - avoid contact with eyes.
Also, please remember that every batch is made to order so colors may differ slightly, but be rest assured that the same recipe that you've grown to love is used and all ingredients are listed on each jar.
Gritz n Glitz hopes you enjoy all of our products, but please use at your own risk. All details and recommendations on this site are provided for informational purposes only and are not intended to diagnose, prescribe or treat any medical conditions, sicknesses or diseases.